In Blooming Buds School information given to students regarding World day of Social Justice
During the morning assembly in Blooming Buds School, Information shared with the students on the occasion of World Day of Social Justice under the guidance of BBS Group Chairman Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Saini and Chairperson Mrs. Kamal Saini. In which charts and articles related to this day were presented by the students during which they told that World Social Justice Day is celebrated on 20th February every year. This day is celebrated to raise awareness about social inequality, to educate people about the importance of eradicating poverty, religious fanaticism etc. On November 26, 2007, the United Nations General Assembly announced that February 20 every year from the 63rd session of the General Assembly would be observed as the World Day of Social Justice. It was celebrated for the first time in 2009. On this occasion, adding to the knowledge of the students, the school principal Dr. Hamiliya Rani said that every year a new theme is set to celebrate this day. People and organizations think of events that focus on a particular theme for the year and celebrate the World Day of Social Justice accordingly. The theme of the World Day of Social Justice 2023 is “Removing Barriers and Creating Opportunities for Social Justice”, focusing on the recommendations in the Common Agenda to promote international cooperation and restore public trust in government. In a special conversation, She said that information about various subjects and important days is shared with the students in the school so that their knowledge can be increased.