Blooming Buds School Students made others aware about waste management

"Plant trees and save water" slogan given for environmental protection - Principal

Blooming Buds school students highlighted the importance of responsible waste disposal through an informative presentation led by Principal Dr. Hamiliya Rani under the able leadership of BBS Group Chairman Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Saini and Chairperson Mrs. Kamal Saini. The central theme of the assembly focused on the concept of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. The students shared information about how to categorize waste for proper disposal. Students made two bins, one red and the other green, showing that the red bin is for dry waste such as paper and plastic, while the green bin collects wet waste such as food scraps and yard trimmings. In this way they effectively explained the importance of waste segregation. Students demonstrated how everyday items like plastic bottles and cardboard boxes can be turned into new and useful products. They emphasized the environmental benefits of recycling and highlighted how it conserves resources and reduces landfill waste. They first emphasized the importance of reducing waste. “Simple steps like using reusable water bottles and lunch bags can make a big difference. School Principal Dr. Hamiliya Rani said on the occasion that Blooming Buds School’s initiative is to involve students in environmental issues. By educating their friends about responsible waste management, these students are not only promoting a culture of sustainability within the school, but also inspiring positive change in their community. The school’s commitment to the “Recycle, Reuse and Reduce” philosophy paves the way for a cleaner and greener future. Along with this, she inspired the students to take care of the environment by giving the slogan “Plant trees and save water”. It is worth mentioning that Blooming Buds School has been continuously motivating and motivating its students at every opportunity to take care of the environment.